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Criteria for Selection

IMA awards recognize those individuals or teams who have made extraordinary contributions within their own organizations to help the Institute carry out its mission. Nominators are asked to consider and describe a nominee's contributions in that context, providing descriptions and examples that clearly relate to supporting the Institute's and/or DLC's mission.

Team or individual contributions should exceed performing one’s job well; attributes and accomplishments should reflect “going the extra mile.”

Usually, nominations should reflect a pattern of accomplishment rather than a single contribution.

Nominations do not have to be made in any one category, but should include examples of how the nominee demonstrates attributes and accomplishments such as those listed below:

Exhibits professionalism. The individual exhibits a positive outlook and attitude toward his or her job (e.g., industriousness, self-motivation, persistence). The individual consistently provides a high level of service while showing respect and courtesy to others.

Demonstrates initiative and innovation in carrying out her/his job. Applies to administrative and non-technical matters as well as to research-related programs.

Leads or leads by example. Effectively collaborates with others (locally and/or across the Institute) to produce a result.

Serves the greater good. Results and outcome of individual’s work reflects positively on the Institute, enhances morale, makes MIT a better place to work, etc.

Influences others. The individual goes about the routines of her/his job, day in and day out, with a remarkable attitude and enthusiasm that influences and benefits others.

Contributes to a Welcoming and Inclusive Community. Regardless of position, acts to advance equity, inclusion and belonging in the work place.

Examples include the following:

  • Developed procedures or systems to reduce work
  • Took on extra work assignments without formal recognition, to support goals, accomplish objectives
  • Did something(s) to significantly impact/improve departmental morale
  • Took on an unofficial mentoring role to teach or train others
  • Identified need(s) and initiated appropriate projects or procedures to address them
  • Intentionally seeks others' opinions and finds ways to incorporate ideas of others.
  • Ensures different points of view are considered and is not afraid to change course if needed to support the goal of ensuring community.
  • Brings a lens of equity and inclusion to programs, policies, and practices.